Grateful thanks to Mark Thomas for working some Photoshop magic on the colour photo scans! Some of the prints have not survived the years too well, suffering burnout and general colour issues.
FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (Terence Young, 1963) - currently unconfirmed, but very interesting potential identification of two photos from our unidentified photos page, by Preben Søgaard of BMT 216A - The James Bond Vehicle Library.
To quote: "Your unidentified photos #20 and 21 shows Fairey Marine boats. #20 is a Fairey Huntsman 28 like the one in 'From Russia with Love'. Unfortunately I cannot see if the boats in your pictures are the ones used in the film. The boat chase was filmed at Loch Crinan, Scotland. See this BMT 216A page, and notice the one man's hat in the two of the pictures! It's similar to the one in your picture #21".
I have added these two photos below, and removed them from the 'unidentified' page. It fits in with the general timeline of my grandfather's work at Pinewood, and there are certainly some striking similarities with the photos linked above:
 A Fairey Hunstman 28, potentially at Loch Crinan location. |
 Possible Loch Crinan location. |
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Last update January 18th 2016.